I left for Los Angeles on Monday. My madre & i have been on the road for 2 days!! Before i left, i was running around sorting through my stuff like a mad woman... fingers crossed i didnt forget anything!
after i kissed nashville goodbye, we hit the road and drove through memphis, then right into Arkansas. I started the drive and prob drove 9 of the 14 hours the first day. My mom wanted to break it down into a 3 day venture, but i begged her to cancel the hotel reservations that she made in boomfuck nowheres & told her i was not going to stop the car & that we were totes making it in 2 days :)
after Arkansas, we entered the boring ole state of Oklahoma. it was actually kind of pretty, i took a picture of Lake Eufala? or something like that... haha
my dream catcher kept us safe and kept away speeding tickets! so originally we were suppose to stop in Oklahoma City, but with my extra push we made it to Texas. We spent the night in the smelly town of Amarillo. really, it smelled like cattle fields. yuckkk.
after breakfast we hit the road again, and i let my maud take the wheel first because i was still tireddddd. she drove a large portion of the day, but we switched after a late lunch in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We never ended up switching back. so today I drove about 10 hours straight!
as you can imagine, we were starting to get sick of eachother today. she hates my music & i hate her obsession with the fucking gps thing! like put it down! or take a nap. love you mom :) but really she can't sleep in cars, so she just nags at me! still love you maud..... BUT i am so use to literally blasting my music so i can sing it and not have to listen to myself. however, my mother turns it down every 5 minutes, and i turn it back up on the volume on my wheel. haha its a never ending battle.
you can call me speedy gonzalas if you'd like. because my average speed was prob 105 today. yiiiikes. i was a BIT anxious. after New Mehhhico, we entered my dear old town of college memories-- in Arizona. well, we did not pass through Tucson because we were on the 40 west the ENTIRE TIME. but it was still strange being back in zona.
speeding through arizona was a pretty boring route. my mom was watching a movie and my ipod was dead. so i was trying to hook up pandora from my phone to my itrip, but of course the service was terrible so the stations would come in and out.
& FiNALLY WE ARE NOW iN CALiFORNiA. not yet LA, but about an hour away. we just checked into a hotel around 2 am so we are going to make it to our final destination tomorrow! I plan on running some errands and moving into my studio apartment asap! I cannot wait to decorate it!! yippeee!! more pics & stuff coming very very soon! such an exciting time. >>> remember, NEVER EVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS. xxxxxxx
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