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Jul 26, 2010

audiotistic review.

AUDIOTISTIC IN CALI--- currently still recovering.
well, i sure do love music festivals... but, this one was a slight let down. the town was really sketchy and i just didn't love it. regardless, it was still a great night of siiiick beats.
highlight of the night: BASSNECTAR. my favorite.
biggest let down: Kid Cudi... he was such a cocky lil fuck on stage and didn't even sound good.
(below) the light tunnel was really trippy, they gave you 3D glasses and somehow it didn't fail to entertain all of us...
"i'll be up, up & away. up, up & away. cause they gonna judge me anyway. so whatever." -cudster
oh hay, um hi. our eyes all look super scary. CHEEEEL.
next stop: OUTSIDE LANDS? maaaaybe. i don;t have tickets or plans yet but i am dying to go. it is way more my style than audiotistic. a better blend of bands. peace.


  1. WOW i just thought i would post you a comment becos your blog/page is amaazing & you are so talent :) infact the most wisest person i have come across & i dont even know you, yet you relate to life so greeat i lust your blogs :)i read them everytime you update & you sound so interesting and look for the good things in should make a book with all these quotes/pictures & poems you have collected along the way.
    p.s your photography is raad!im envious.haha. keep it up your beautiful insideout. x

  2. wow, thank you so much! it means a lot to me when i get feedback because then i know i am getting through to SOMEONE out there. that's what keeps me going! i try to post stuff every day :) xxx
